Our Online Abacus Mind Math Program is Designed to Help your Child Achieve Exceptional Mental Math Fluency…to Skyrocket Their Academic Performance…and Boost Confidence
At Learn Abacus At Home, we offer a Proven Abacus Mind Math Program …along with ALL Resources and Support to help Children…
…achieve Exceptional Math Fluency …raise Academic Performance …and boost Self-Confidence…
EVEN IF…they are already doing well in school
…AND ESPECIALLY IF …they need help boosting their number sense …academic performance …and confidence.
We do this through our Proven Online Abacus Mind Math Program where Children learn to Calculate Quickly in their Head (aka Mind Math) and are rewarded by results that SKYROCKET their level of Success. Specifically…
- They Develop Math Fluency and the Skill to Calculate Mentally …basic math calculations will become automatic … their self-confidence will go through the roof.
- Improve their ability to relate and make sense of numbers (aka “number sense”) …to make Math “easy”.
- Grow their stamina to focus and concentrate longer on the task at hand so they become more productive …and accomplish more with less time and effort.
- Expand their ability to soak up and retain information ...making them a better learner.
- Their overall academic performance (not just Math) will steadily improve…earning them recognition of their teachers and peers alike.
And yes, we show you how to take advantage of our Signature Online Mental Math Program at home with your child …even if you are completely New to Abacus Mind Math … without wasting time and money.
We also offer Abacus Teacher Training for those looking to generate an income for themselves without any burden of Franchise Fee.

Hi there, my name is Raj and I am the founder and also a teacher here at Learn Abacus At Home.
My wife and I have been teaching Mind Math since 2008. During that time, we’ve been fortunate to work with thousands of students, including our own two Children. Watching them develop into Confident Learners with Amazing Math Fluency has been a very rewarding experience.
We now empower Parents who wish to take control and help their children develop skills that give them a leg up; as well as those looking for Abacus Teacher training in order to generate an income for themselves.
So What Results Can You Expect?
Checkout this Video! A child demonstrates Amazing Mind Math Skills and immense Focus, Concentration & Retention – all skills you can expect from your Child in a relatively short time period as well … besides stunning transformations discussed above.
Let Me Show You
How to teach your child at home… even if you are new to Abacus Mind Math… or not a Math person yourself so that…
Your child can begin calculating Mentally in just a few weeks… which will give a BIG boost to their confidence and…
Open Up Opportunities to them that may otherwise have missed …Opportunities like …Gifted Track, Accelerated Programs and Academic Bowls.
To top it all …you can even generate an income for yourself (…if you so choose) by helping other children in your area with Mind Math and using what you learn while helping your own child.
Find that hard to believe?
Meet other parents just like you …who are utilizing our Online Mental Math Program …to help their children build Amazing Math Fluency in Preparation for Success in School and Beyond
Our family was searching for a mathematics related enrichment class for our children ages 5 and 7. Mental arithmetic is not an area of focus at school and after talking to other parents we discovered that learning the abacus is one way of strengthening a child’s mind math skills. We looked for in-person classes but wasn’t sure if once a week would really have the impact we were looking for. Also it would be difficult for us to help reinforce the concepts at home. The Learn Abacus at Home website came up in a Google search. We signed up for a no risk trial where we were able to try the lessons out with our child. It was after our call with Raj that we were really sold on the curriculum as we could tell he was very methodical and has a wealth of experience to know what works.
We just finished 10 weeks of the course and completed the Unit 1 assessment. I definitely see progress in my child’s abacus skills but also in his listening and mind math skills. We have gotten into a good schedule. It’s not something we do every day. I present new material on Wednesday, after watching the 5-10 minute video the night before. My child does the worksheets on Wednesdays and Saturdays. There is very little preparation work on my part. The videos are clear and even anticipates problems you might have along with helpful tips. Each week’s videos build upon your skills in a logical and manageable way with plenty of review to reinforce concepts. It’s just the right amount of work for the child.
More importantly my child really enjoys this and he has learned another way to approach problems in math. This was the perfect age to start as their mind is more adapt to learning new skills. I’ve learned how to use the abacus as well but my child is much faster and grasps the concepts more easily. I’m blown away at how he is able to visualize the abacus and do the problems in his mind. It takes practice but he is so proud of his new skill.
– Helena, Parent in NY, USA
I find “Learn Abacus at Home” to have a very well organized Curriculum and extremely Supportive and Patient staff. Among other things, I really enjoy having this huge boost of positive energy and encouragement from other members in the program. I’m so glad that I found you after exploring other avenues for over a year. I am very satisfied with the results so far.
– Abeer, Parent/Teacher in Saudi Arabia
Hi Raj, my name is Oksana and I would like to thank you for your help! I live in Boston and wanted to open an abacus school here. I signed up for your Learn Abacus At Home program in May 2019 and you may recall did an orientation call with you soon after. I am writing to share the Good News! I finally opened my center in just a couple of months after signing up (it’s end of July now) and am now providing trial classes for students. So far I already have about 30 kids scheduled for trial classes. I am very optimistic about it all. Thank you!
– Oksana, Teacher in Boston, USA
I just started working with my children Ages 4 and 11 and they are progressing very quickly – they will probably be teaching me soon . They are eager to learn more everyday. The course is AMAZING!
– Doniyor, Parent of 4 and 11 Year Old in Denmark
My sisters lives in Florida, USA and her daughter attends Abacus classes at a Learning Center and raves about it all the time. I could not find a learning center in California close to me. Then I found Learn Abacus At Home. I am amazed at how quickly my daughter and I were able to learn the Abacus from scratch. I’ve also since started working with her on Mind Math. We have access to detailed video lessons and practice worksheets. When I have questions, I am able to schedule a video call with a trainer which is just wonderful. We are moving right along and just so glad I found this great resource.
– Robin, Parent of 7 Year Old in California, USA
I am a stay at home mom. My son is only 3 years old now and too young for Abacus, but since I am so keen on teaching him once he is old enough, I decided to join this course. My neighbor’s 5 year old is now learning from me and doing very well. Although I am not charging his family anything yet, I am considering the opportunity of tutoring more students. It’s great to have someone not only show me how to use the Abacus, but also show me how to teach it.
– Vijaya, Parent/Tutor – British Columbia, Canada
My daughter completed Abacus Math a couple of years back from a center near our house. I was now ready to enroll my younger child in the same center and drove to their location only to find that the center was no longer there. I pulled out my phone and was searching online for their new location when I came upon Learn Abacus At Home website. I liked the concept of using their lessons and material and being able to teach my son myself. Immediately signed up on their website for a FREE Webinar. Met one of the teachers online; liked what I saw; and immediately signed up for the membership. It’s wonderful having the course and the material available online. Although I have not had a need to ask any questions yet, it’s good to know that they are available to guide me if needed.
– Raime, Parent – Ontario, Canada
The Online Mental Math Membership that Makes It All Happen (Everything you need to teach at home with confidence)

Our Abacus Mind Math Program is packaged into an Online Membership which brings you the best of both worlds – The convenience of online self paced learning with the ability to ask questions and get support from experts with decades of experience teaching Abacus Mind Math.
Your membership Includes ALL Resources you will need to be successful:
- Comprehensive Curriculum with Weekly Lesson Plans
- Step by Step Video Tutorials
- 100s of Practice Worksheets and Assessments.
- Online Community to ask questions, get help, and meet others also going through the program
- Mentorship and Coaching through Live Member Calls
- 7 Day FREE Trial – Keep it if you like it. Cancel if you don’t.